Influencer Marketing
Influence marketing, buzz marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, blogger marketing, blog marketing
The social media agency tobesocial possesses a worldwide network of opinion formers from several different areas and departments. Furthermore, our analysts are able to use influencer research to find and analyze new opinion formers in the social web. Due to a target-orientated conception and accomplishment of our influencer campaigns and events as well as influencer or blogger relations we are able to win opinion formers over as long lasting advocate and brand ambassador for you company and your products.

Our services: Influencer marketing
- Development of an influencer marketing strategy
- Improvement of the recommendation marketing
- Professional influencer research and analysis
- Creation and support of a trade-specific influencer database
- Implementation of our worldwide influencer network
- Conception of influencer campaign and events
- Accomplishment and support of influencer campaigns and events
- Professional influencer and blogger relations
- Optimization of the influencer marketing activities
- Win over of opinion formers as advocates and brand ambassadors